5 Reasons You Don’t Need That Shiny New Curriculum
It's that time of year again -- and homeschool conventions, vendor halls, and curriculum planning for the next school year are well underway. Have you too been checking out all the curriculum options, either in person or online? Have you been asking all your...

Adding a Little Science to Morning Time {Lives of the Scientists Book Review}
We have incorporated quite a few different things in our Morning Time over the years. We've covered devotions, singing, praying, poetry, memorization, picture study, music appreciation, Latin, French, and even math (though never all of those at the same time!). This...

The Green Ember: A New Story with an Old Soul
Let me confess to you straight out that I tend to have a bias towards the older, time-tested children's classics. I love them! But I do realize that all classics were new at some point in time and that just because an author is now dead does not mean their books are...

Laminated Paper Dolls – A Tutorial
Did you play with paper dolls when you were a kid? I did -- but nearly as much as my girls do now. They LOVE paper dolls. We've used historical paper dolls to enhance our history lessons and to make stories come alive through play. They can be so much fun! But they...

Spring Picture Books: 2 Great Books We’re Enjoying While We Wait for Spring
Lately, we have really been longing for spring. Longing to feel the warm sun on our faces, smell blossoms on the flowering trees, and feel the soft, cool dirt in our hands. We are so looking forward to spending time outside and seeing LIFE again! What better way to...

Learning Mama’s Day in the Life of a Homeschooler – 2017 Edition
What does the day of a homeschooling family look like? I know this was one of my big questions in the years leading up to when we began homeschooling, and even though we have been at this for several years now, I'm always interested in how families work out the day to...

Why We Love The Jesus Storybook Bible
It's no secret that I love The Jesus Storybook Bible. It's been a part of our family since my oldest was tiny, and her sisters are also growing up on these gentle, beautifully told Bible stories. It was originally published the year my oldest was born, and I'm so...

Jesus Storybook Bible Devotional Pages Printable
We are dedicated fans of The Jesus Storybook Bible! It has been in daily use in our home for the last 6 years, and I think it is such a wonderful resource for Christian families. It's actually my favourite Morning Time resource, which is what led me to create these...

Mid Year Homeschool Review: What’s Working and What’s Not
Close your eyes and imagine it's August or September. Your bookshelves and homeschool supplies are nicely organized, and the spines on your teacher's manuals are barely cracked. You've decided on this year's curriculum, and you're ready to go: it's going to be an...

Snowy Books for Snowy Days: Great Winter Picture Books
Winter really is the reader's season, isn't it? There's nothing better than being snowed in with a stack of books and a cup of hot cocoa! Each year I enjoy filling our book basket with our favourite winter picture books, as well as adding fun new finds. If you're...