Using Online Resources to Supplement Your Homeschool Curriculum
Even when we love our current curriculum and it's working well for us, we can sometimes find our kids needing more. Multiplication tables that just won't stick. Extra practice with spelling. Some kind of visual or interactive example to demonstrate a concept that the...

100 Things to do Outside with Your Kids This Summer
Summer is a great time of year for both spending time with your family AND spending time outside. But what to do? Here's a list of 100 things you can do outside with your kids this summer, most of which are free or very inexpensive. Summer plans don't have to be...

Inspirational Quotes for Classical Homeschoolers
In the mess and chaos of the daily homeschool life, it's easy to lose sight of why we're doing what we're doing. It doesn't take long to get caught up in the details of daily homeschooling -- books, pencils, endless reminders about best effort and expectations,...

Why Your Homeschool Needs a Daily Quiet Time
Whenever I'm asked for homeschool advice, about daily routines, or about how I manage to stay sane as a homeschool mom, I always talk about the most important part of our homeschool day: our daily, afternoon quiet time. I honestly doubt I would be able to homeschool...

Celebrating Summer with Mixed Media Art
Are you looking for a way to add some creative fun for your children this summer? Something fun to do with them when it's too hot to go outside? The perfect way to spend a raining summer day? Why not spend your summer experimenting and creating with mixed media art? I...

Our Relaxed Classical Homeschool Curriculum – 2017/2018 Picks!
This coming year's homeschool curriculum choices have been the hardest by far for me. I pretty much had first through fourth grade mapped out in my oldest's kindergarten year! She was an eager learner and I had myself a trustworthy guide in The Well Trained Mind....

Picture books for Music, Art & More {Raincoast Books Reviews}
"... brown paper packages tied up with string, these are a few of my favourite things!" I can't be the only one who gets this stuck in my head when a package of books arrives in the mail! I was excited to receive our latest shipment of books from Raincoast Books, and...

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Busy Kids Quiet (& Engaged!) During Read Alouds
I've got one child that could sit snuggled up with mama on the couch for HOURS reading books. She loves reading, being read to, and reading to others. Sitting still for a story is not a struggle for her at all. I loved our read-aloud times! When it came time to...

Mixed Media Art Lessons for Pet Lovers
My oldest daughter has been begging to get a puppy for a few years now. She just loves playing with dogs and petting them. She's fallen even deeper in love with dogs since having a visit with her Nana while she was dog-sitting. And she was ecstatic when we puppy-sat...

Found: Psalm 23 by Sally Lloyd Jones {Book Review}
Yet again, I've jumped at the chance to review Sally Lloyd Jones' latest book. I want all of her books in our family collection! To be quite honest with you though, before receiving Found, I wondered if I might find it a little redundant. You see, Found is Sally...