The 5 Must-Have Tools for Personal Bible Study
Inside: The 5 Bible study tools you need to study the Bible for yourself Mamas, if there's one thing you need to be serious about when it comes to your own self-care and personal development, it's making sure you become a student of God's word. As mothers, especially...

40+ Toy-Free Gift Ideas for Kids
Inside: More than 40 toy-free gift ideas sure to please any child on your list Whether you're trying to simplify your family life, reduce clutter, combat growing materialism, or find a present for the kid who has it all, this list of non-toy gift ideas is what you...

M.O.M – Master Organizer of Mayhem: Book Review
If there's one thing you realize early on in motherhood -- it's the importance of organization. If those early days of nursing 'round the clock, endless laundry, and gazing into an empty fridge at dinnertime don't reveal your need for basic organizational skills and...

Story of the World Volume 1 Notebooking Pages
We've been using Story of the World in our homeschool for going on 7 years now -- we love it! This year, I'm preparing to start the cycle all over again in Ancient History with my younger children (kindergarten & fourth grade) so I made these Story of the World...

Our Relaxed Classical Homeschool Curriculum –2019/2020 Picks!
We've got some big changes coming this year in our homeschool -- and I'm pretty excited about them! Big surprise, I'm always excited about filling my Amazon cart! For the most part, the books have all been ordered, shipped, fondled, and have found a shelf to call...

Memory Making Mom: Book Review
Book Review: Memory Making Mom "Mom, can I stay home from the sleepover this week and watch a movie with you and Dad?" It's a question that she's been asking more and more often lately. For the past few years, my husband and I have been blessed by our kids having...

The Ultimate Guide to Homeschool Podcasts
I've become quite the podcast enthusiast over the last few years. I love to have something to listen to while I'm driving to the grocery store, walking, or doing household chores. I've got all my favourites queued up on my iPod all ready to go! Listening to podcasts...

How to Put the Brakes on the Summer Math Slide
Think the only way to avoid losing math skills over the summer is to homeschool year round? You CAN put the brakes on summer slide AND keep your summer break, too! I’ve heard many homeschool moms say they wish they could homeschool year-round, but they just really...

How to Use Story of the World With Multiple Ages
When I started using Story of the World with my oldest back when she was a first grader, putting together a history lesson was pretty simple. Read a chapter, narrate, and draw a picture. We enjoyed as many of the supplemental history & literature read alouds as I...

Learning Mama’s Day in the Life of a Homeschooler — 2019 Edition
A day in the life of a homeschooler (with a 4-, 8-, and 11-year old) I know most of you will think I'm crazy when I say this, but I've come to love Mondays. Yup, that's right. I LOVE Mondays. That's because, on Mondays, I'm most thankful that we are a...