Why We Embrace Year Round Homeschooling
I'm not sure I initially put a whole lot of thought into year-round vs traditional school year homeschooling. There seems to be a lot of discussion about it lately though, and I want to say that I didn't make any pros and cons lists and make this decision consciously...

Top 5 Canadian Picture Books
Today, I'm excited to be sharing over at Mother Daughter Book Reviews, about one of my favourite things: Books! Here is a little preview of my post, click on over to their site to get the full version! My children, like their mama, are confessed book lovers. We are...

Five Days of Canadian Food {with recipes!} Day 5 – Nanaimo Bars
I'm wrapping up my five days of Canadian food with a delicious treat Vancouver Island! Nanaimo Bar's are a sweet, creamy chocolatey treat named for the city of Nanaimo, British Columbia. The bottom layer of these beauties is a chocolate, almond, coconut, and graham...

Five Days of Canadian Food {with recipes!} Day 4 – Beaver Tails
Whether it's skating on the Rideau Canal, taking in the ice and snow sculptures at Confederation Park, or taking the kids down the snow slides of the Snowflake Kingdom at Jacques Cartier Park, no Winterlude experience is complete without Beaver Tails! In case you...

Five Days of Canadian Food {with recipes!} Day 3 – Tourtière
Today's Canadian recipe is for real, French Canadian Tourtière. This recipe was given to me by my very first francophone friend, my childhood neighbour whom I called Ma Tente, before I even knew what that meant. For those who may not be familiar with the dish, it is...

Five Days of Canadian Food {with recipes!} Day 2 – Chow
Today's recipe is a family favourite. It's my mother's recipe for her grandmother's green tomato chow; she brought the recipe with her to Ontario from Nova Scotia around 80 years ago. I grew up on this stuff - it is especially delicious served on roast beef. I even...

Five Days of Canadian Food {with recipes!} Day 1 – Maple Syrup
Today's post is the first in a series I'm doing featuring Canadian food and recipes! Every country or culture has it's own unique cuisine that make up it's own particular identity. Canada is a country made up of people of various cultural backgrounds and traditions....

Nature Study: A Relaxed, Enjoyable Education for Summer
Do you do any nature journalling or notebooks with your children? If not, this a great time of year to start! We've been enjoying learning all about our local wildflowers as they are appearing both in our backyard an along our hiking trails. We are also amazed at the...

Five Reasons I Love Peace Hill Press!
If you've seen my curriculum choices, you will have noticed I use a lot of Peace Hill Press' products! We are currently using Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading, First Language Lessons, Story of the World, and Writing With Ease. Here's what I love about...

Celebrating Canada – Lapbooking the Provinces of Canada {Free Printable!}
Canada Day is one of our family's favourite holidays! We usually celebrate by dressing the part and taking in our local festivities. We attend our community's pancake breakfast, parade, and fireworks.This year we are having some extra fun by adding some Canada themed...