Do you struggle with getting around to doing science experiments and projects with your kids? I sure do. My biggest struggle has been with planning — you might be surprised at how many “common, household materials” are not common in my home! In the past, we’ve missed out on simple science projects that require a paper cup, thermometers and even paper towels! I’m not much of a planner by nature, and as a result we passed by so many good experiments last year.

This year, the solution to our problem was simple — I bought the accompanying science kit for our curriculum — and it has made all the difference in the world. 


I’m sure I could have bought all the included items for less than half the price of the assembled kit, but it has been money well spent, especially in my daughter’s view!



Here are a few of the projects we have done so far with Apologia’s Exploring Creation With Astronomy and  our lab kit from Nature’s Workshop Plus:

Hands on science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Model of the solar system using balloons Lesson 1: What is Astronomy?

Model of the solar system



Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - melting chocolate with a magnifying glass

Lesson 2: The Sun

Using a magnifying glass to focus heat



Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Making a solar eclipseLesson 2: The Sun

Making a solar eclipse



Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Making cratersLesson 3: Mercury

Making a model of mercury (with craters)



Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Learning how radar is usedLesson 4: Venus

Learning how radar is used

We’ve also really enjoyed making our own rocket (which landed on our roof – much laughter!), making a compass, and making our own storm in a bottle. That one provided hours of entertainment for the whole family!

If you are having a hard time making hands on science happen in your homeschool, I highly recommend looking into pre-packaged science kits, or even assembling all your materials for the year in advance, into lesson by lesson packets. It has taken the stress out of science, and left all the learning and the fun!

Check out how the other members of the Canadian homeschool Team are getting hands on with their learning!

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Learning Mama
Hands on science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Model of the solar system using balloons
Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - melting chocolate with a magnifying glass
Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Making a solar eclipse
Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Making craters
Hands on Science with Apologia's Exploring Creation with Astronomy - Learning how radar is used
The Canadian Homeschool Blogging Team
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