A recent addition to our math lessons (pun intended!) is Fun Friday.  On Fridays we will take a break from our usual lessons and do some of the more fun type of math activities. Today my oldest did an addition colour by number page while her little sister matched the Math U See blocks to a page and coloured them. I recently discovered that we had shelved the Test & Activity Book from our Alpha curriculum without so much as looking inside it. Now that we have moved on to Beta, I think we can use it as a sort of fun review of what we have already learned. We are also going to add in UNO, dice games, math Bingo, and anything else I can think of.

Fun Fridays-Math U See-Learning Mama

Fun Friday www.learningmama.com

I think she got tired or bored of colouring long before completing this sheet!

We finished off our morning by getting caught up on the History Chapter we didn’t complete LAST week. We didn’t even do a chapter this week. We finished up our chapter on the rise of Islam with the Five Pillars of Islam and then worked on the “supplemental” lapbook. We are a few chapters behind with that one and my daughter did the page for Constantinople today while I read Otto of the Silver Hand. Maybe we will continue to work on History this afternoon? It’s a favorite around here and always considered fun!

HIstory with Usborne Internet Links learningmama.com

Checking out the Usborne internet links from the pages on Islam



Do you have any favorite fun math activities that you would like to share with us?


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